Proposed alternative to standard apomorphine challenge test
*Correspondencia: Dr. Juan Carlos Martínez Castrillo. Servicio de Neurología. IRYCIS. Hospital Ramón y Cajal. Ctra. Colmenar Viejo, km 9,1. E-28034 Madrid.
Subcutaneous apomorphine injection is used as a rescue treatment in the off periods in moderate and advanced Parkinson's disease and also when required to assess the dopaminergic response. It is not recommended as a diagnostic tool in Parkinson's disease because it has more side effects and is less specific than chronic response to levodopa. To calculate the dosage, an apomorphine challenge test is performed, generally taking quite time and testing several doses. We propose an alternative apomorphine challenge test, with a single injection and a higher initial dosage of 2-4 mg, as well as to schedule treatment according to the obtained response at that dosage. This procedure saves time and also allows a better planning of medical attention.